суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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Iapos;ve been rejected by my own advisers. Well, and the people that chill in my advisory space, but still.

You know what really sucks, though? I canapos;t possibly just retreat to my room and stop feeling like shit by calling those who rejected me assholes. Because I know them, and I know theyapos;re not assholes. And now advisoryapos;s going to be super awkward.

All I know is that if Hunter Manson and Chloe Nguyen (or however the fuck you spell her fucking name) get in instead of me, I will have words with Mr. Munhall. WORDS.

Fucking Breakthrough. Their loss.
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Despite a slow start hampered recently by an ankle injury, USF defensive end George Selvie is one of 12 semifinalists for the Lombardi Award, which honors college football's top lineman or linebacker.

Selvie, who led the nation in tackles for loss and was second in sacks last season, has seen his numbers drop off considerably this year as he faces consistent double-teams from opposing offenses.

Selvie is the only semifinalist from the Big East; Florida linebacker Brandon Spikes, one of five linebackers in the 12, is the only other state player among the semifinalists.

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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I suffer from insomnia,I havenapos;t slept straight through the night for years. Most of the time I think Iapos;m never going to grow up. Iapos;ve read a book from front to back straight through 3 times this week without eating or sleeping. I cant help myself but Iapos;m only attracted to older men and dead celebrities like George Harrison, but Iapos;m told thatapos;s because I have serious father issues. Iapos;m the best person at doing "skating suicides" Ive ever met, if we were to have a race back and forth at the ice rink for the longest competition, Id win. Iapos;m brutally honest, donapos;t ask me my opinion because you will get it whether you want to hear it or not. I would live in my Emily the Strange PJapos;s bottoms or Nicks boxerapos;s all year round if I could. I like expensive things, just in case you were buying. I have a fear of flies and watermelon seeds. The flies, I think its the sound they make when they get near my ear and the seeds from an episode of Rugrats. I will never forget how my first love totally destroyed my faith in fairytale love. Iapos;m still crazy over it, like it totally fucked up my year, but I keep telling myself that its just because heapos;s a narcissistic British dude with a Jesus complex. Like he reminds me of that Aldous Snow character from Forgetting Sarah Marshall.""Ohh, Im GC I played Jesus on the West End, bullshit, bullshit, bullshit, no, no drinks for me, thanks, bullshit bullshit bullshit""". And when I get alot of money one of my goals is to bounce his ass out of the harbor he lives (thanks google earth) with my 300-footer. Or I could just go all Miranda Lambert on him. I love to write, inspire me. Right now, Iapos;m trying to quit smoking. I donapos;t own a pair of flats and even mow the lawn in platforms. Iapos;m an impulsive shopper, Ive been known to spend my living expenses on lingerie because feeling girly is what its all about. I donapos;t like talking on the phone, it makes me feel weird. I find peace under water which is why my friends nicknamed me Ophelia. This summer my idea of fun was walking the streets of Nashville, engaging myself in innocent folly (wink) and wondering why my life had become divided into a BC and AD timeline. Sooooo I just returned from Italy or was sent back on medical leave cause my heart is broken and Tuscany didnapos;t work for me like it did for Frances Mayes. To be continued...
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четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

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Love my brothers=D
got a call from des to meet for dinner tgt with darren and
its like a big big deal to him cux he seldom treat us.
and i know the reason why now..
his allowance has increased +150 bucks/month
no wonder lah
and i told darren this: apos;now ur gor gor got money alr, anything can find him also.HAHAapos;
rich alr lo. Im like the poorest among us 3.
darren is reaching his goal man,
his savings is alr 6k+?
13 years old only leh
18 years of my life and im left with 30 bucks now. So proud of it=p

anyway, eat with them ah..super headache
ask them eat this and that and both will reply in unison:
whatapos;s with this man, in the end.. ..
still ate the famous amos cookies i bought home
chey say only

so happy to dine with them anw(((=

and des told me about his goal.
i hope he will achieve it one day and iapos;ll definitely be proud of him
ohhh oh and schapos;s boring..
i was so enthu on the first day of sch,
looking forward to be welcomed by all the new sciencie modules,
and it turned out rather zzz when i flipped the lecture notes. Its all structures.
proteins dna...etc etc
aww..i miss the modules last sem. Talking about all the diseases and all.
if last semapos;s tough, whats this mang?

still remembering us complaining about the modules last sem,
and now weapos;re here regretting-not studying harder back then.
half a year to endure..its not easy i would say.

im sucha idiot to make that choice,
and now its harder to get out of this dilemma.
like seriously? what the fcuk was i thinking?

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Here's the WOD from today:

95 lb Squat clean, 10 reps

50 GHD Sit-ups

95 lb Squat clean, 8 reps

40 GHD Sit-ups

95 lb Squat clean, 6 reps

30 GHD Sit-ups

95 lb Squat clean, 4 reps

20 GHD Sit-ups

95 lb Squat clean, 2 reps

10 GHD Sit-ups

I finished in 17:24. I think this was good practice for Sunday. I'm always scared to get low in my squat with the 95lbs because GEEZ That can technically knock me out and pin me on the floor But my last few reps felt good and I can totally tell the difference in my form. When I actually do it right, its less work... Duh huh? ahahahaha

700am clif bar

930am mini bagel with pb

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Hanyut rerun on tv now and i caught something the ustad (or who i assume to be an ustad, because he was in suspenders and a songkok too high for adequate headspace on screen) was saying. Something about how parents these days have the misconception that the way they were punished when they were growing up would be effective on their children as well. He then added that these parents failed to apos;reviewapos; the situation afterwards, to evaluate if their actions were in fact effective, because it doesnapos;t.

THEN he chided them, for not attending bengkel (courses) provided for them by various community bodies.
tapi kan, macam mana tu - cara memperbaiki diri melalui bengkel memanglah berguna pada zaman pop yeh yeh. In fact it mightve even been effective all the way to early ninetines (bengkel mat yo yo)... Jadi, sama jugak kan. Practice what you preach ah, community bodies.
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среда, 15 октября 2008 г.


Irsquo;m leaning against the door jamb in the interrogation room watching my partner go after a suspect. Wersquo;ve read him his rights and the dolt has waived the right to an attorney. Bobby is just hitting his stride, putting the pieces of the puzzle together, pulling tidbits of information out of the guy, who has no idea what he is revealing to my partner. Bobby leans forward, slams both palms flat on the table, and is nose to nose with the guy. The suspect explodes, leaps up, and jumps forward toward my partner. Bobby is ready for him. I think Bobby just pushed him that extra inch to get to opportunity to slam him face first against the wall. I walk up quietly and cuff the guy, while Bobby continues to press him so hard against the wall the guy is almost off his feet. When Bobby lets him go, the guy goes slack. Two uniforms rush in to assist, but all they have to do is take the guy away. And maybe, if they choose, help out a bit with the guyrsquo;s bloody nose.

I watch Bobby stalk out of interview. Hersquo;s still riled up about the case. Itrsquo;s weird, we donrsquo;t often experience a rush any more when we close a case. Therersquo;s still a victim, and with the cases we catch, that victim is usually dead. I deal with it in silence. I realize I havenrsquo;t said a word in about 30 minutes. Once Bobby took over the interrogation, I stood quietly and let Bobby unravel the guy.

ldquo;I bet yoursquo;re not always a silent partner,rdquo; Some officer from SWAT throws the comment my way as I walk out of the interrogation room. He and a few others had an interest in the case and were observing the interrogation. I do not like him, I do not like his double meaning.

I think of a re-run of Boston Legal that I watched last night, where the Candice Bergen character fixes James Spader character with a steely stare and says something like ldquo;Go off, get a copy of National Geographic, make a list of all the places you will never go, and put me at top of that list.rdquo; I think about using that line. It is an awesome line. But, I donrsquo;t say anything. I simply squelch him with my own steely stare and walk off.

Irsquo;m pissed. But Irsquo;m not pissed about being the silent partner. Irsquo;m good at that role. I donrsquo;t mind that Bobby plays the bad cop, or the crazy cop, or whatever cute name you want to put to it. Hersquo;s good at it. And, Irsquo;m good and the silent and deadly. Whatrsquo;s pissing me off is that itrsquo;s been so long Irsquo;ve forgotten what Irsquo;m like in bed.

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