четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

configuration definition management software

Love my brothers=D
got a call from des to meet for dinner tgt with darren and
its like a big big deal to him cux he seldom treat us.
and i know the reason why now..
his allowance has increased +150 bucks/month
no wonder lah
and i told darren this: apos;now ur gor gor got money alr, anything can find him also.HAHAapos;
rich alr lo. Im like the poorest among us 3.
darren is reaching his goal man,
his savings is alr 6k+?
13 years old only leh
18 years of my life and im left with 30 bucks now. So proud of it=p

anyway, eat with them ah..super headache
ask them eat this and that and both will reply in unison:
whatapos;s with this man, in the end.. ..
still ate the famous amos cookies i bought home
chey say only

so happy to dine with them anw(((=

and des told me about his goal.
i hope he will achieve it one day and iapos;ll definitely be proud of him
ohhh oh and schapos;s boring..
i was so enthu on the first day of sch,
looking forward to be welcomed by all the new sciencie modules,
and it turned out rather zzz when i flipped the lecture notes. Its all structures.
proteins dna...etc etc
aww..i miss the modules last sem. Talking about all the diseases and all.
if last semapos;s tough, whats this mang?

still remembering us complaining about the modules last sem,
and now weapos;re here regretting-not studying harder back then.
half a year to endure..its not easy i would say.

im sucha idiot to make that choice,
and now its harder to get out of this dilemma.
like seriously? what the fcuk was i thinking?

cranston pottery art deco, configuration definition management software, configuration delta electric wye, configuration design guide sunfire system.

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