суббота, 11 октября 2008 г.

fincas rurales

Something odd has happened to me in the last few weeks. Iapos;ve become almost entirely unemotional.

I guess maybe it has something to do with Collin leaving, but Iapos;m certainly not unemotional when I talk to him...but when Iapos;m on my own, thereapos;s just...flat affect. I donapos;t feel anything. Thatapos;s what prompted me to finally make peace with Ian, which I was so glad I did. I know it was the right thing to do, I felt a weight lifted. But I just didnapos;t have the anger in me anymore. Iapos;m not mad at anyone anymore. Itapos;s just not in me.

I donapos;t know how else to explain it. I donapos;t cry or laugh very much. Itapos;s just kind of like, well, this is life, so get through it. Iapos;m very involved in my studies. Wherever I go, Iapos;m thinking about them. Rachel was talking about slipping on ice in Oregon and I was thinking what a free-body diagram of that would look like-- her mass in kg, the force of her foot on the ice, 9.8gravity, normal force, f(s) and f(k) depending on how much traction she had...

Chemistry is so hard. I didnapos;t do well on the test, but then I donapos;t think anyone else did either and he grades on a curve, so weapos;ll see. Itapos;s just difficult. Itapos;s like an entire different world that you have a matter of weeks to get acquainted with and get thrown into the water. Iapos;m struggling a lot with that.
fincas rurales, fincas quindio, fincas puerto rico, fincas puerto pollensa, fincas puerto alcudia.

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